Ben Keegan


My name is Ben Keegan and I’m from Dublin,Ireland. I speak with a British accent, however, which comes from growing up inEngland, Scotland, and Wales. Before becoming an English teacher, I worked forseveral multinational companies in the UK and Ireland, including BritishPetroleum and Tesco. I became an English teacher after travelling around Asiafor a year and not wanting to return home. I spent three years teaching Englishto children in South Korea, before attaining a Certificate in English LanguageTeaching to Adults, and then moving to China in 2010 to join SISU’s Training Centre for Overseas Study. In the time I’ve been here I’ve taught manydifferent classes including speaking, writing, IELTS, cross culturalcommunication, Western culture, and presentation skills. My undergraduatedegree was in Business, while in 2018 I completed an MA in Teaching English toSpeakers of Other Languages. My favourite hobby is travelling, and I havevisited over 30 countries. As well as travel I have written ten screenplays,three novels and enjoy watching movies and playing video games.

我叫Ben Keegan,来自爱尔兰首都都柏林,但我是英式口音,这是因为我在英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士长大。在成为英语教师之前,我曾在英国和爱尔兰的几家跨国公司工作,包括英国石油和乐购超市。在环游亚洲一年后,我不愿意回到家乡,所以我就成为了一名英语教师是。我在韩国教了三年英语,之后获得了CELTA(成人英语教学)证书,然后于2010年来到中国,加入上海外国语大学出国留学人员培训部及海外合作学院。在这里教过很多不同的课程,包括口语、写作、雅思、跨文化交流、西方文化和演讲技巧等。我的本科学位是商业学士学位,2018年我获得了英语教学硕士学位。我的爱好是旅行,我已经去过30多个国家。除了旅行,我还写了十部剧本、三部小说,我还喜欢看电影和玩电子游戏。