My name is Max C. Gomes. I am a Canadian with an academic background in Engineering and have been teaching English as a second language since 2011. I studied Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I began teaching English in South Korea at a public elementary school. At that time, it had been intended as a break from my engineering career. However, I discovered my passion for education and made a career change. I have spent most of my career in the adult training industry, with companies such as EF and Wall Street English. One aspect of the industry was that companies aimed to make the best use of new technology to produce the best learning results, and I was active in this area: helping with training staff, demonstrating new tools, and creating new class materials. Currently, I am working on adapting some AI tools to support student learning. Please give it a try by scanning the code. My dream is to help create more language learning opportunities for any learner, regardless of location or availability to study.
我叫Max C. Gomes,是加拿大人,拥有工程学术背景,自2011年以来一直教授英语。我曾在加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学学习机械工程。后来,我到韩国一所公立小学教授英语,这本来是我工程职业生涯的一个短暂休整,但我发现了自己对教育的热爱,于是转行进入教育行业。我的职业生涯大部分时间都在成人培训行业工作,比如英孚教育和华尔街英语等公司。在这些公司中,我积极参与技术在教育中的应用,包括培训员工、展示新学习工具,以及创建新的课堂材料。目前,我正在致力于将一些人工智能工具应用于支持学生学习。您可以扫描二维码尝试体验我的项目。我的梦想是为所有学习者——无论他们身处何方,条件如何——创造更多英学习的机会。